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Still confused about travel?

Call us on 0115 9 100 100 for more help and advice. 

Alternatively, here are some other useful contacts who can help get your questions answered.

Nottingham City Transport (Bus company)
Call: 0115 9 50 60 70
Visit: www​.nctx​.co​.uk
Tweet: @NCT_Buses

Trent Barton (Bus company)
Call: 01773 712265
Visit: www​.trent​bar​ton​.co​.uk
Tweet: @TrentBartonLive

Nottingham Express Transit (Tram company)
Call: 0115 9 42 77 77
Visit: www​.thetram​.net
Tweet: @NETTram

East Midlands Railways (Train operator)
Call: 0345 712 5678
Visit: www​.east​mid​land​srail​ways​.co​.uk
Tweet: @EastMidRailway

Sustrans (Sustainable Transport)
Call: 0117 926 8893
Visit: www​.sus​trans​.org​.uk
Tweet: @Sustrans

Citycard Cycles (Local council-run bike rental)
Call: 0115 876 1300
Visit: www​.not​ting​ham​c​i​ty​.gov​.uk/​C​i​t​y​c​a​r​d​C​ycles
Tweet: @MyNottingham