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At Nottingham College, we’re proud to work with a number of partners providing quality training and courses. Find out more about our partners below.

Subcontracting Rationale - August 2023

The College works with a limited number of partner providers to deliver subcontracted provision for learners 19 and over. This includes learners 19+ Adults funded from the Adult Education Budget, and Higher Education programmes funded via learner loans.

As part of our curriculum planning strategy, we carry out research to support the rationale for programmes that we deliver directly and via subcontracted partners. 

The aim of subcontracted provision through partners, is to allow the College to provide a range of learning which it would not provide under normal circumstances. Such partnership provision may broaden the geographic footprint of delivery, introduce specialist learning aims or involve diverse delivery modes. 

We have strong collaborative working relationships with partners delivering subcontracted provision, and we expect subcontracted provision to deliver high quality learning experiences and to meet or exceed national achievement rates. 

Subcontracted provision is expected to meet the needs of national government priority target groups and will also address the specific market and workforce needs identified by the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership. Subcontract partners have a curriculum which is designed to specifically address the skills requirements identified by employers. Through subcontracted provision the College also seeks to engage with all communities and will support objectives to engage hard to reach learners who do not follow typical routes into education. 

The College intends to continue with its strategic intention with regards to subcontracted activity, keeping in mind the ESFAs expectation to reduce subcontracted provision nationally, and as such the college has continued to reduce our annual subcontracted amounts since 2017, with the intention that this will continue to reduce annually. 

Our strategy remains primarily focussed on addressing training needs within the D2N2 area and the substantial majority of provision procured through subcontracting is now in this area. We have strong management arrangements in place to ensure provision is of high quality, is continually improving and developing. We will respond to the anticipated funding reforms for subcontracting as indicated in the ESFA document titled​‘Reforms to subcontracting education for learners over 16’. Our strategic values and actions match the stated vision that all subcontracted activity is to be of good quality and well managed.

Subcontractor Fees and Charges - Supporting Documents