News: Amba teams up with top cosmetics brand for Changing Faces campaign
Make-Up student, Amba Smith, is helping to challenge outdated stereotypes and beauty standards as part of the latest Changing Faces #PledgeToBeSeen campaign, an initiative that calls for brands to represent more people with visible differences in their advertising and imagery.
Amba, who is 19 and studies Level 3 Fashion, Theatre and Media Hair and Make-Up at the College, was born with head-to-toe visible differences, and has been part of the charity, Changing Faces, for almost a year as a campaigner helping to raise awareness.
Since volunteering with Changing Faces, and now that I feel more confident and comfortable in my own skin, I think about make-up differently. Now it’s less about covering up and more about showing your true beauty.
Changing Faces holds a really big place in my heart. If it wasn’t for them, I’d never have been so lucky and privileged to work with a brand I love, supporting a campaign I’m truly passionate about.
— Amba
Global cosmetics brand, Sleek MakeUp, will feature Amba, along with two other campaigners, in their upcoming social media promotions as part of the #PledgeToBeSeen movement.
Amba adds: “I’m so happy to be part of such an important initiative which helps challenge the lack of representation of people like me and celebrates difference.
“I was bullied at school and spent years trying to avoid doing anything that would encourage people to look at me. I understand, first-hand, the difficulties people with visible differences face, and if I can help just one young person, I’ll be so happy.”
We are incredibly proud of Amba for sharing her experiences and challenging outdated stereotypes of beauty as part of the Changing Faces Pledge To Be Seen campaign with global make-up brand, Sleek MakeUp.
It is so refreshing to see a brand that has diversity at its heart, celebrating difference and championing individuality. People with visible differences, like Amba and her fellow campaigners, tell us that they feel isolated and excluded from society. Together we are showing that people with visible differences from all communities can be role models and should be seen and heard.
— Becky Hewitt, Changing Faces Chief Executive
After completing her College studies, Amba dreams of becoming a skin camouflage consultant, working in hospitals or for a charity that offers services to people who want support covering visible differences such as burns, scars and birthmarks.
Changing Faces is the UK’s leading charity for everyone who has a mark, scar or condition that makes them look different. If you, or a loved one, have a visible difference and need some advice or support please get in touch: / 0345 450 0275.
Published on:
- 25th February 2021 (1:39 PM)
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