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News: Sustainability event success

Staff members taking selfies with props behind the sustainability day photo frame
Staff members joining in on the sustainability fun!

Well done to our City Hub students who, as part of their personal and social development project, organised a fantastic sustainability event for staff and students to enjoy.

The event included an interactive sustainability quiz, sunflower planting, photo booth, and internal and external information stalls, as well as a showcase of the sustainability projects the students completed last term.

Joining the Earth Day sustainability project helped me to understand how connected we are to our environment, and it’s inspired me to work towards a greener future. 

Mya Shah — Nottingham College student

Doing my sustainability project made me realize that doing and taking small actions towards sustainability helps to create a more sustainable future for the planet. 

Garfield Cooper — Nottingham College student

In the past, sustainability has been a challenging concept to engage students with, yet the overwhelming amount of projects we received for our Earth Day event speaks volumes, and made the decision of which projects to add to the display on the day so much harder! 

I’d like to say a massive thank you to all the students who took part and after seeing all the hard work that went into their sustainability projects, it really does make me feel more positive about the future. 

Charlotte Prowse — City Hub Personal Development Lead and event organiser
Published on:
  • 3rd May 2024 (1:53 PM)
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