News: Update ahead of Government announcement 22 Feb
On Monday 22nd February, the Prime Minister will be announcing the Government’s plans for the easing of national lockdown restrictions that have seen schools and colleges closed to the majority of their students since the beginning of January.
As has been the case in all lockdown closures to date, the college has remained open for key worker students and those who meet certain vulnerability criteria. Our City Hub, 25 Stoney Street and Arthur Mee campuses continue to remain open, on specific days of the week, to offer onsite support to those who need it. For others, learning has been taking place remotely.
We expect for the Prime Minister to initiate a schedule that will see our doors open to all students from 8th March. Between now and then, we will be putting into place plans and procedures to ensure that when we do, we will do so safely and efficiently, with onsite testing available for staff and students too, in line with Government guidance.
For now we ask that all our students continue to learn from home, in accordance with their timetable and ensuring regular correspondence with their tutors. We are excited to be reopening and seeing all our students face to face soon but until then we ask that you continue to keep yourselves safe and well, giving you and your college friends the best chance of convening once again, in person, in a couple of weeks time.
Published on:
- 22nd February 2021 (1:40 PM)
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