News: Inspiring our learners through the Festival of Science and Curiosity.
We were proud to play a key part in Nottingham’s 2023 Festival of Science and Curiosity, an annual event which showcases the world of science and the curiosity around us every day.
In January we hosted a launch event for the festival and welcomed visitors from across the East Midlands who all have a passion for science, this included Universities, charities, and big industry names such as Boots.
The festival itself took place from the 6th – 17th February and we were involved in a range of inspiring events aimed at sparking curiosity and engaging young people in science.
It has been a great privilege to have been part of FOSAC. We have been working with some fantastic colleagues across the region with a shared passion for engaging young people with Science. Our students are passionate about pursuing scientific careers and opportunities to engage with the great local employers is an essential stepping stone on their journey. We continue to build further working relationships with our partners in the area to give our learners the best experience possible.
— Chris Petch, Faculty Area Manager — Science
Turning household waste into energy
Our Level 1 learners had the opportunity to visit our local Eco-Waste facility where they were given a guided tour and shown how energy is produced from household waste before taking part in a sustainability workshop.
Reducing stress through science!
We were excited to hold a product showcase at our City Hub where learners met with a researcher involved in creating a new product called “Purrbles” which aims to reduce stress by responding to emotions.
Industry experts inspire our science students
During the week we welcomed Boots to the City Hub where they spent the day working with our Level 3 science students, giving them real-life industry insights and the chance to work on a live project. The aim of the session was to research, design and evaluate a cosmetic product to make it commercially viable.
Pharmaceutical workshops
We welcomed delegates from Charnwood Molecular who spent the day working with our Level 2 students. Throughout the day, they worked with our learners to research, design and evaluate a pharmaceutical product in order to make it commercially viable. Part of the day was also spent dedicated to researching and discussing scientific career pathways.
Science at Nottingham College
Did you know our City Hub campus is home to state-of-the-art science facilities? These include dedicated workshops, labs and industry-standard equipment that rivals local universities.
Whether you’re a school leaver looking to take your first steps towards a future in science, a professional looking to up-skill or you’re wanting to undertake university-level study, we have a huge range of courses to suit.
Published on:
- 17th March 2023 (3:48 PM)
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