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News: Currently in year 11? We explain some popular post-16 options

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With GCSE results day just around the corner, it’s not too late to consider all your study options for September! If you’ve just finished your GCSEs there is still time to apply for a college place this September…are there’s lots of options available to you (some you may not have even considered before).

From A Levels and hands-on career focused courses to apprenticeships where you can earn whilst you learn, our huge range of options will help you open the doors to your future.

We have the widest range of courses and study options for school leavers in the region! We outline them below and how you can still apply for a place with us this September. 

A Levels

High Pavement Students

A Levels are a great way to prepare for university-level study.

If you decide to study A Levels at Nottingham College, you’ll be doing so in our dedicated High Pavement Sixth Form. We offer over 20 subjects, can cater to most subject combinations and are located right next to Nottingham Trent University’s City campus. 

If you choose one of our fantastic creative A Levels such as Art and Design or Photography, you’ll be able to take advantage of our industry-standard studios and workshops plus have the opportunity to showcase your work to the public throughout the year.

Hands on courses

One of our science students doing a practical in the lab

We offer lots of hands-on cours­es which are industry and career focused. The courses we provide are ded­i­cat­ed to help­ing you get where you want to be — our lec­tur­ers have worked in indus­try and our cours­es are aligned with careers . These are known as Voca­tion­al Cours­es and because of the more tech­ni­cal and applied learn­ing involved they are a per­fect step­ping-stone into a job, career or fur­ther study. 

We have full time Vocational courses in over 20 subject areas and different levels — explore all the different options and find out more details in our course navigator.

The level you will study depends on your GCSE results and previous experience — but we have something to suit everyones needs (so if you apply and don’t get the grades you need for your chosen course, try not to worry because we have lots of options for you!). In addition, we have great links with employers and boast specialist facilities and resources. These include labs, studios, workshops, automotive garages, kitchens, salons and more to help you get the training you need.

Our City Hub is home to a wealth of state-of-the-art facil­i­ties which go beyond classrooms, includ­ing a repli­ca air­plane cab­in for our trav­el and tourism stu­dents! Take a look at how our City Hub can help you become Future Ready here! 


2 construction students

We are now offering T‑Levels in three different subject areas, brand new for 2023!

T‑Levels are a new nationally recognised qualification for vocational courses. They are equivalent to three A‑Levels and are accepted by universities across the UK. If you are interested in the Health, Education and Childcare or Building Services Engineering for Construction, this gives you another study option to consider after your GCSEs.

These courses are divided into theory and work experience, with 80% of the teaching being provided in the classroom and 20% at a work placement completed over 45 days.

All of these courses boast great facilities for classroom work. We have a brand-new Health Care Hub coming to our City Hub campus, accessible to all Health and Education and Childcare students. At our Basford campus we have lots of construction facilities to put your skills into practice, with more coming in 2024!


Apprenticeships are a great opportunity for you to earn a salary while you gain a qualification at the same time. You don’t need to wait until results day to apply — browse our vacancies and submit your application today! If you don’t find a suitable vacancy, don’t worry! Get in touch with our friendly Apprenticeship Team for a chat and they can discuss options with you, or even match you to a suitable vacancy or employer!

Holly - STEER apprentice

I chose an apprenticeship with Nottingham College because I wanted the hands-on learning, as well as like obviously you do get paid whilst doing it and also gets you into the trade. 

Holly — Apprentice at STEER

Re-sitting your GCSEs

student at a computer

If results day comes around and you don’t receive the GCSE results you had hoped for, or you need certain grades to move onto a course or chosen career path then there is the option to re-sit them. 

Dependent on personal circumstances there may also the option to re-sit a GCSE subject alongside your chosen course. 

If you don’t get the results you’d hoped for try not to worry! It’s important you still come along to your enrolment session so we can discuss all your options with you and match you to a course or study option most suited to you. 

Apply online and secure your place

Apply­ing is easy — browse our cours­es and vis­it our apply page, sub­mit your appli­ca­tion and we’ll be in touch soon! Applying is simple, head over to apply page and fill in your application online. Once we receive your application, we’ll be in touch to sort the rest.

Not sure what you want to study? Don’t worry!

We know lots of choice can be over­whelm­ing so if you’re not sure what you want to study then don’t wor­ry. Our team of expert advi­sors and careers sup­port are on hand to help you nav­i­gate your options and give you indi­vid­u­alised advice. You can book an appoint­ment by call­ing us on 0115 9 100 100 or by send­ing an email to: careersteam@​nottinghamcollege.​ac.​uk, or you can simply browse the range of courses we offer by clicking on the link 

If you are still unsure, you can apply for more than one course (if you choose to study A Levels you will need to choose a minimum of three subjects). There is no obligation to accept a place at this stage, you can decide once you receive your GCSE results and confirm your choice with us when you enrol.

Already applied?

It’s important to keep an eye on your emails as you will be sent information asking you to book an enrolment slot this summer. If you haven’t heard from us or need more information then please get in touch by giving us a call on 0115 9100100 or using the live chat option on our website. 

Published on:
  • 3rd August 2023 (2:30 PM)
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