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News: How College ignited Brandon’s passion for learning.

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My time is now Future Ready

IT student Brandon joined Nottingham College after being home schooled for a number of years. He tells us how coming to college has improved his confidence and how his tutors have inspired him to continue learning.

Brandon Wright

Brandon has now progressed from a Level 1 IT course to a Level 3 course and aspires to go to university to become a teacher in the future.

When I first started college, I was very nervous but if I hadn’t attended my first lesson, I wouldn’t have gained confidence and got onto the path I am on today. Without college I would still be a nervous person in social situations and don’t feel I would be as well equipped to deal with the real world from both a social and employment perspective.”

Brandon started at Nottingham College in 2017 and tells us his tutors and the love of his course inspired him to learn more and progress through the different course levels.

I started off with a level 1 course where I learned the basics. This ignited a burning passion to continue studying so I continued with a level 2 and then a level 3 course because I knew it was my way of progressing further through the world of IT. Now, studying computer science at university is in my sights and I would love to teach people how to program one day.”

My time at college has definitely carved a path for my future. It wasn’t just the content of the courses that have shaped my decisions but the people teaching me too. Without them I wouldn’t be the student I am today, they have taught me lots of life lessons, helped with my mental attitude towards learning and widened my interests. My tutors have been a big inspiration to me. 

 — Brandon Wright

Throughout the past academic year, and throughout lockdown, Brandon wanted to share his passion and knowledge with his fellow students and spent his spare told holding extra lessons for his classmates, covering content not on the syllabus. His sessions were so popular he had 100% attendance and was commended by the Faculty Area Manager for IT and labelled an exceptional teacher’ for helping to add value to the studies of his classmates.

The future is yours to shape – are you ready?

Whether you’re considering an IT course of one of the hundreds of other courses we offer, there is still time to apply and join us this September. Whatever you choose, we’re ready and waiting to help you take your next steps.

Published on:
  • 14th July 2021 (5:42 PM)
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