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In this section you can find a range of key information relating to higher education provision at Nottingham College.
Important Information for Current Higher Education Students
As a student on a higher education course at the College, you may need to make reference to a number of HE specific policy documents. On this page you will find a range of those policies and procedures designed to support you throughout your studies.
Nottingham College seeks to ensure a fair HE admissions process which provides equal opportunity for all individuals regardless of background, to support admission to a course which is suited to their abilities and aspirations.
The Higher Education Academic Appeals Procedure allows for a Higher Education student to bring an appeal against decisions made by the Higher Education Examination Board where the decision of the Board relates to the student’s academic performance and progress, and enables investigation of those concerns by the College. This Procedure applies to all Higher Education students of the College although there may be some variations dependent upon the course awarding body/validating University.
It is clearly in the interests of former, current and future students that the College maintains the good reputation of its awards to promote high standards of academic honesty and integrity. Academic irregularities are any attempt by a student to gain unfair advantage for herself/himself, or another student, by unauthorised means. Examples of academic irregularities may include examples such as malpractice, collusion, falsifying data, plagiarism etc.
The College is committed to providing a high quality service to its learning community. If you have concerns about the service you have received, we would like to hear about it. The HE Complaints Policy (“The Policy”) and associated procedures aim to ensure that complaints are resolved as fairly and quickly as possible. It also aims to ensure that, where practical, lessons can be learnt and improvements made to the service the College offers.
The College may admit a student to the beginning of a course, or with advanced standing beyond the beginning of a course, through the assessment of that student’s prior learning, whether certificated or uncertificated. The process for making such a decision is known as the Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL).
This College’s Academic Higher Education Framework, procedures, and processes for assuring and enhancing the standards and quality of provision are designed to offer an efficient and robust committee structure, which has student involvement and their learning experience at its centre.